A Course in Miracles
At the start of 2020, I started reading a book that I have had in my possession for many years but never felt called to read until then. That book is A COURSE IN MIRACLES.. Together with my wife Mony, I have been reading the Text and practicing the daily Lessons without fail. I have been on the spiritual path for over 25 years and have read many wisdom traditions and teachings, but this book is unique. It is deep, direct, unequivocal... and so full of Love.
To deepen my own practice and understanding of this remarkable text, I decided to illustrate each of the 31 chapters for the Inktober 2021 challenge, trying to capture in an image the essence of the teaching of that chapter.
Alone, I knew I couldn’t do it. But I am not alone. Spirit is with me, and it is Its Love that I feel wishes to express through me. I give myself over completely to Him-Her, and know that each illustration will carry with it that immense love and joy that our Creator feels for me, and for all of us... because we are all One.
I was so happy with that process that, when 2022 began, I felt inspired to continue with my illustrations, this time dedicating my efforts to the 365 Lessons of the Course. What you see on this page is the culmination of those efforts.
I hope you enjoy these offerings, shared from my heart to yours. May they serve your awakening in the same way that they are serving mine. My thanks and my love to all of you.
P.S. The book of the 365 illustrations of the Workbook Lessons is now available on the Amazon of your country.