With a journey as long as our Walk for Peace, it's impossible to fit all the stories into one book. So here, we share with you a few short stories that didn't make it into the final book, but which stand on their own and, in some cases, give deeper insight into the stories already in the book. Enjoy the read!

All who have gone on pilgrimage can attest to some experience with dogs on the path. We had many, but "Concha - the Pilgrim Dog", the stray we picked up in Turkey, left the most permanent mark on our hearts.

"The Oracles" is the magical story of how Mony met Tomas, the Templar Knight in Manjarin, and the pivotal role he played in propelling her to embark on her pilgrimage for peace to Jerusalem.

"My Friend's Greatest Gift" is a story of friendship: Alberto and Javi, friends from childhood; and how the unexpected can change our lives forever.

This short story was first published in Spanish in the book "I Concurso Nacional Relatos de Mujeres Viajeras 2009", where it was chosen a finalist in this writing contest for women travelers.
The Camino teaches each pilgrim what they need to learn, and in the case of Mony, it was how to overcome the fear of the opinion of others and claim the power of the Way of the Sword. 51