
Spiritual Storyteller
I spend much time in contemplation and spiritual writing, seeking the inner meaning of the outer events of my life. While the events may be personal, the themes are universal: changing my perceptions of people and situations, finding peace in what appear to be challenging moments, acting from love and wisdom rather than fear and judgment, moving in the world from a place of Oneness with all rather than from separation.
I weave these lessons into presentations I have given to audiences of all types including pilgrims, business professionals and spiritual communities. Some of the talks I have given include:
Walking the Path of Gratitude
Being in Conscious Relationship
Walking Alone: a Spiritual Practice
Peace: an inner journey
Change: Agent of the Divine
Finding GO(o)D in my "Enemy"
You can listen to these talks and more on SOUNDCLOUD.
Please contact me to discuss your personal needs. This video is of a talk I recently gave at Unity Spiritual Centre Ottawa: The Call for Faith (with Spanish subtitles).
I’m a master of personal reinvention, having successfully moved from Science studies to an MBA, which opened doors to working at a Big-6 consultancy and later in various marketing, sales and business management roles at Microsoft. I abandoned it all to travel alone, walking the 800-km Camino in Spain followed by a 5000-km, 13-month, 13-country walk for peace. That experience informed my decision to become a social entrepreneur, sharing business and life lessons learned in my books, presentations, and radio and TV shows.
I speak from experience about what it means to live a bold, authentic life, how to be resilient in the face of an ever-changing world, and how to fearlessly step into the unknown even when the path ahead is unclear. I weave personal stories into my talks to create offerings that inform, inspire and entertain.
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Whether you are walking this great pilgrimage called life or are preparing to walk the Camino (or another sacred site), I offer one-on-one spiritual and emotional guidance so that you may walk this world with greater confidence, ease and trust.
If you are a group leader taking pilgrims on sacred journeys and are looking for a Spiritual Guide to support them before, during and after their pilgrimage, please contact me to discuss your needs.