Publisher : Walking for Peace Publishing;
2nd edition (Jan. 2 2013)
Format: Paperback and e-book
Language : English
Page Count : 294 pages
Walking for Peace,
an inner journey
The course of one's life never unfolds quite as we imagine it would. While traveling to gain perspective on her life, Mony, a Lebanese-Canadian woman, feels called to walk an ancient path known as the Way of the Soul. She wavers, allowing her fears to drown out her heart's yearning. Until 9/11.
Fate orchestrates all the necessary preparations, including an unexpected companion named Alberto, an Andalusian mystic whose ideas would challenge every preconceived notion Mony holds about peace, life and love. Their 13-month, 5000-kilometer odyssey across 13 countries would lead them physically to Jerusalem, but more importantly, to what was perhaps the intended destination all along: their true selves.
This remarkable true story reminds us that it's never too late to listen to our hearts, that omens appear to guide us in our journeys, and that following both will lead us to realize our dreams and fulfill our destinies.
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Winner, 2013 Latino Books into Movies Awards, Action/Adventure
Second Place, 15th Annual International Latino Book Awards, Best Biography
Second Place, 15th Annual International Latino Book Awards, Spirituality/New age
Winner, Global Ebook Awards, Action/Adventure
Finalist, Global Ebook Awards, New Age
Honorable Mention, Global Ebook Awards, Religion/Faith
Finalist, Global Ebook Awards, Adventure
Critic Reviews
BeachBoundBooks: "...Their fascinating story is written from the heart and I often felt drawn into their quest. I too learned much from their experiences which forced me to look within my own heart and discover what I could do to make a difference as well." Read the full review by Stacie Theis.
New Consciousness Review: "...It about so much more than a mere physical journey. It is a tale about the spiritual evolution of two ordinary people who are striving for the extraordinary...what I noticed right away as I read Walking for Peace was how much I could truly relate to both Mony and Alberto. They are both human, yet they are also trying to be more in a world that is not yet quite ready for them. I believe that their honesty, their authenticity, their ability to admit their faults was what endeared them to not only the people they met on their journey but the reader as well. It was so refreshing to read about people who are struggling with a lot of the same things any person on the spiritual path struggles with. I found myself crying and laughing and rooting them on every step of their journey just as if I was taking it with them." Read the full review.
Kirkus: "Dojeiji and Agraso take readers through the story of their fascinating pilgrimage while offering a glimpse of their unique spiritual, physical and emotional journey...An intriguing story that colorfully illustrates one couple's spiritual journey and the path we all must take to find our way." This is their full review.
Midwest Book Reviews: "Sometimes books come along that speak to us, do more than entertain, Walking for Peace, An Inner Journey is one of them. Most of us have times when people don't understand our choices, try to force their beliefs upon us, try to hold us back from our path, believe our joy disrespectful, and insist on cold, formal rituals, or the so-called "safe" road. We try to hear our quiet voice but are afraid because we don't trust it. Mony and Alberto take the road less traveled and at the end find themselves better people. Highly recommended. Poignant. Memorable. Life-changing. Beautiful." Click HERE for the full review.
Blogcritics.org: "I was truly moved by their pilgrimage. It is so honest and authentic that it moved me to tears. But more than that, I was spellbound and couldn't put the book down. It grabbed my heart from the first page until I read the last word on the last page. And I am sure that the reader will have a similar experience of closeness and intimacy with the authors." The full review is HERE.
Judge, Writer's Digest 21st Annual Self-Published Book Awards: "Walking for Peace truly lives up to its subtitle: An Inner Journey. Mony and Alberto, two friends who decide to set off an incredible adventure together, encounter everything they might have expected and a whole lot more during the 13-months they spent together traveling (one foot after the other) from Rome to Jerusalem. Whereas the physical journey presented many challenges (I want to say, only half-jokingly, think Lord Of The Rings!), it is the growing intimacy and general respect between the two, as well as all the strangers they met along the way, that is the heart of this story. Mony sets out on a "walk for peace" and in the end, peace within her own being is what she discovers. Mission accomplished! Overall, Walking for Peace is an extremely well written story and obviously deserving of the awards it has received to date. Additionally, the cover art is terrific."
Reader Reviews
"Not what I expected, but much more than I hoped...Sometimes in life you get much more than you were expecting, rarely, but this book is a good example...This is a true story and has everything you would expect in a Hollywood blockbuster. It's a book about rebellion, a book about noble pursuits, it has sadness, happiness, delight, death, romance and adventure."
- Eoghan Odinsson, Award winning author of "Northern Lore"
"Your book is really staying with me, which for me makes all the difference in a book, especially a book like yours. I think you did an amazing job of capturing your personal journey in a way that makes other people question deeply for themselves – which is of course what I think you were trying to do!"
- Sara Brown Crowder, Author "HouseHeal", Toronto, Canada
"I finished your wonderful book last night. I had forced myself to take my time reading it because it was so fascinating that I was tempted to speed through it. What a marvelous gift you and Alberto Agraso González have given us pilgrims. Your honesty and courage give me strength for my own journey. You are a blessing to the world. Thank you!"
- Kris, Sacramento, USA